Our Sponsors
 Argent Mineral Management, LLC
 Pine Wave Energy Partners  Maven Royalty Partners  Martindale Consultants, Inc.  Donner Properties  Avatar Systems
For more information on becoming a sponsor, please feel free to call:
Paul Vallhonrat at 817-416-9094
or David Smith at 318-251-5854
Become a Sponsor
Platinum Level: $10,000 and above
- Name Mentioned at Each Town Hall Meeting
- Company Banner Placement at Seminars/Town Hall
- Company Logo on Advertisements
- Company Banner on Website/Social Network Site
- Named in List of Sponsors
Gold Level: $5,000 to $10,000
- Company Banner Placement
- Logo on Website/Social Network Site
- Named in List of Sponsors
Silver Level: Less than $5,000
- Company Banner Placement
- Named in List of Sponsors
Benefits to Sponsorship
- Branding – Name Recognition
- Signage attached to the organization representing the operator’s largest contingency of partners in development of Louisiana natural
- Goodwill / Public Relations
- Reputation building in the local community as well as within the organization
as a partner in the Haynesville Shale.
- Community support and involvement
- Opportunity to provide feedback and info (seminars/conferences)
- Booths and speaking engagements
- Create and Enhance Credibility
- Media Exposure
- Business Expense Deduction
- Contributions to NARO-LA are tax deductible as ordinary business expenses
under IRS code 501 (c) 6